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Sacred Web Blog

Bright and Hopeful Website Design for Children's Mental Health Therapist

web design for children's mental health therapist

When children's therapist Elena Fasan came to me with the name of her business, Children's OCD and Anxiety Collective, I immediately knew we were a good fit to work together.

She wanted a website that would give her potential clients hope. That parents would be able to come across her website and know they were not alone, and there was help to be had. She wanted a mixture of fun, yet peaceful and mindful - something that helps her young clients in her therapy work with them.

In meditating on the business, I saw a bright sun, the sky, and lots of images of children.

I designed Elena's logo first, as this felt like a big piece of the puzzle of what was to become the Children's OCD and Anxiety Collective website. I decided to sprinkle the sun imagery throughout, bringing that brightness, while also using images that evoke peace, comfort, and joy.

Working with Elena was a dream come true.

I am so grateful to have been lucky enough to collaborate with such a kind soul who is doing such needed, important work in the world. See what magic we came up with below!

Details about this website:

  • Project: Logo and Website Design

  • Platform: Wordpress

  • Vibe: Hopeful, mindful, joyous, peaceful

See some of the pages:

If there's one thing I learned while making this website, it's that sometimes the simple, quiet, intuitive nudges are the most profound.

Sometimes in my site meditations (which I do before every site design), I see a lot of visuals, but in this particular case it was quiet, simple, and to the point. The energy that Elena shares with her clients is that way. It's not loud or overstimulating, it's gentle, mindful, like a bright sun beaming warmth, offering hope just by being there.


Nominated for Best Website Design by DesignRush

I am thrilled to announce that this website design was chosen as one of The Best Website and Print Designs by DesignRush in 2024. So grateful for the recognition (especially if it helps bring more publicity to the Children's OCD & Anxiety Collective!) Thank you!


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